Anna and Dean visit a broiler farm
Dean is so hungry today and decides to feed their Chicken something extra, so he can eat a feast later. But Anna stops him: Chicken is a laying hen and not a broiler chicken! Do you know what the difference is? Take a quick look at the new video of Anna and Dean.

Up on a perch!
In nature, hens like to sit in trees. High up and safe from predators. Because hens feel safe in a tree, hens usually have their own climbing frame in the barn. In the Netherlands, you call that a volière.
It's always spring
What's your favourite season? Hens prefer spring. The days are long. And the temperature is just right. In the poultry barn, it's always spring. Even if it's snowing outside. Special lamps make sure the hens get just the right amount of light. That's important so that the hen can lay an egg. The farmer also ensures that the barn is always warm.
Cosy and safe
Hens like hiding. In nature, they hide because it means they will be less visible to predators. The hen's eggs are protected by a nest. This is built as invisibly as possible. So the barn also has nests in the volière. The hen can hide behind a red flap. Here the hen can lay an egg in peace.
Why red?
Hens see grey, white and the colour red. Which is why the nests and drinking nozzles are red. This makes it easy for the hens to find them.
Every day, the hens are given fresh feed. They can find this feed by scratching.
A routine
Hens have their own routine. They wake up in the morning. Then they lay an egg. When they've done that, they start scratching around and eating. With a full crop (the hen's stomach), they take a dust bath. When they've had a dust bath, they go outside. Where they start scratching again. And then: they go and sit on their perch.
Feed for laying hens
The hens' feed consists of mixed grains, proteins and grit. The hen needs grit to make a strong eggshell.
Hens have ears
Did you know that a hen also has ears? These feathers on the side of the head tell you what colour the egg will be. Hens with a brown ear lay a brown egg. And hens with a white ear? Right! They lay a white egg.